The ShopRite on Rt. 206 in Bordentown donated your cans of food for a great cause.  The Rotary Club of Bordentown took donations on Saturday May 11 from 9 am until 3 pm and on Sunday May 12 from 10 am until 2 pm. 


The signature service project for the Bordentown Rotary Club is to work in collaboration with other local charitable organizations and local supermarkets to collect, purchase, and distribute canned goods and perishables food items to local residents in need. This project will be working with the Bordentown Food Pantry, Helping Hands of New Egypt, Motel Meals (Bordentown area motels), Allentown Food Pantry, St. Raphael's Food Pantry and local churches and four Interact Chapters. In conjunction with the collection efforts, we will be working with Bordentown Shoprite and New Egypt IGA. These locations will be staffed by Interact students and Bordentown Rotarians.

The Rotary Club of Bordentown received $1900 in grant funds from our District, District 7505. The Rotary Club of Bordentown will match this amount with foods collected and cash donations. We anticipate donating $5000 in canned and non-perishable items to food pantries in addition to donating Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families/

In New Jersey, 1 in 8 families struggle with hunger. Over 1,1900,000 people in New Jersey are unsure of where they will have their next meal and nearly 400,000 of them are children. Only 56% of these people qualify for SNAP (formerly Food Stamps). Local food pantries must shoulder this responsibility. By supporting these organizations, will make a difference. We will help in their efforts to reduce the suffering of residents in our communities. Our primary concern is to help our local residents and we feel that we will continue to have a positive impact in our own community